Thursday, October 6, 2011

thoughts on Glee: I Am Unicorn

1) I'm very behind on Glee, you guys. I'm never home on Tuesday nights, I don't have a DVR, and Fox doesn't put up new episodes for eight days. So...yeah. Just seeing "I Am Unicorn" now.

2) I hated this episode a lot. Why does Shelby keep saying that she "gave Rachel up"? She was an egg donor and surrogate mother, right? She was paid to have a baby for Rachel's dads? So...why does she have all this regret over "not being there for her"? And why THE HECK does Quinn think she can get custody of Beth? She WILLINGLY gave her up for adoption! And why does everyone act like if Beth doesn't have contact with her biological parents she is going to have a horrible, horrible life? All of that stuff was OFFENSIVE. I would think that you could demonstrate that Quinn and Shelby have mixed feelings about not raising their biological children without making it seem like they *did something wrong.* Unfortunately, they don't seem to be going that route.

3) I hate this Sugar Mata character, and I hate this whole "second glee club" business. How are they going to find kids for a second glee club when they can barely find enough kids for one?

4) I did like it a lot when Mr. Schue told off Quinn for acting like the glee club was the source of all of her problems. I wish he would have made her apologize before letting her join again.

5) I also liked Blaine's song. Not so much Kurt's or Rachel's. And I know this season they're trying to go back to shows that are about the stories, as opposed to the songs, but come on. Only three songs in an hourlong show about a glee club? Also, I was mad at the way Kurt reacted when it became clear at the end that Blaine was going to try out for Tony. I thought that whole thing with the unicorn posters was supposed to mean that he was comfortable with who he was, and with the fact that there are some parts (including Tony) that he probably isn't right for. If not, what was the point of Burt's little speech?

6) I like that Emma's hair is more natural-looking this season. She also wore a very cute black and white outfit at the beginning that I would like to have.

I think that's it. The season premiere won me over, but this one almost lost me again.

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