Wednesday, October 19, 2011

randomness/How I Met Your Mother: "Mystery vs. History"/Glee: "Asian F"

1) Who was I kidding, only filling my pasta bowl half full the second time around? What am I, trying to be dainty?

2)In the summer, I often have a glass of lemonade in the evening. In the fall, apple cider. In the winter, hot chocolate. Tonight it is definitely hot chocolate weather, and I am NOT happy about it.

3) How much did I love Kevin calling out the HIMYM gang on being codependent and incestuous? Don't get me wrong; I like this show a lot. I also get that on TV shows, they have a core cast that is on every episode; rarely does anyone go away for more than an episode or two, and rarely do any new additions to the group show up more than just occasionally. However. Lately I have felt critical/concerned about the fact that these people seem to have so few friends or interests outside of the group. I don't feel like it was always this way. Back when Marshall was in law school, he used to hang out with his classmates sometimes (I miss Big Tall Brad, by the way). They used to show Lily painting. Robin used to go to the shooting range. And they used to show one or the other of them drifting away from the group at different times: Barney and Ted had that big fight after Barney slept with Robin. Lily spent that summer in San Francisco. Robin stayed away for awhile (okay, like two episodes, but still) when she was living with Don. I feel like all of that is normal. In real groups of friends, someone gets busy with work, someone starts dating someone, and you all stay friends, but you don't hang out constantly. I guess I'm just feeling like this season so far has been more focused on just the five of them than usual. At any rate, I enjoyed Kevin calling them out.

4) I am SUPER bummed that Robin's dad is no longer played by Eric Braeden (a.k.a. Victor Newman). Seriously, what the hell?

5) I do not date as often as Ted does, which is perhaps why I didn't realize that scoping out your potential date on the internet before the first date was A Thing until recently, and it kind of weirded me out when I did find that out. Anyway, funny that that came up in this episode.

6) On to Glee. I liked the most recent episode (which I realize was on like a couple of weeks ago at this point-- sorry, slipping) a lot more than the previous one. In fact, the only thing that made me angry was when Will invited Emma's parents over even after she told him that she wasn't ready for him to meet them. Crossing a line. But what are you going to do, it's Will.

7) I really liked Mike Chang's storyline. Like, I wish we'd gotten more set-up for it, that they'd brought up before that his father was super obsessed with him getting into a good college and stuff. Even so, I really liked that we did see Mike genuinely struggle with the decision over whether to try out for the musical, and that his mom was so supportive when he told her that he wanted to pursue singing/dancing even if it meant his grades weren't perfect. I really like Mike Chang in general, actually. Glad he got some attention for once.

8) I still hate this whole "second glee club" storyline. However, I did find it realistic that Mercedes would choose to quit New Directions and join it. Mr. Schue was being a HUGE jerk to her-- like, seriously, she's literally vomiting during dance practice and he's yelling at her for being lazy? What's up with that? And that whole "we're going to double cast the lead" thing had to have been frustrating, since Mercedes CLEARLY did better in the audition; it's just that no one ever wants to tell Rachel no. I'm often a Rachel apologist, but I do get frustrated with how she thinks she has to win EVERYTHING. And running for student council president against Kurt was a crappy thing to do.

9) Guess that's it! Yaay!

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