Thursday, March 20, 2014

thoughts during Scandal, 3/20/14

Jake killed JAMES?! I did NOT see that coming! I thought for sure it would be David!

Oh, my! Cyrus pushing James against the wall in that flashback! 
Cyrus: "That's my move."
James: "You're damn right, that's your move."

Jake: "James Novak died in a car jacking.  Accept that, and that world keeps spinning."
Olivia: "And if I don't?"
Jake: "Bad things happen to good people all the time."

Olivia asks her dad what the point of anything is. If everyone is a monster, who is worth saving?  Olivia's dad's response? Everyone!: "In the face of darkness, you drag everyone back into the light! That is the point!  Or at least, that's what I like to think is the point of YOU!" I love Olivia's dad.

Oh, how I gasped when Mellie and the new vice-presidential candidate started getting it on!  And then I started repeating "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod" over and over again.  Go, Mellie!

Did Huck and Quinn really make out for a minute there? I swear, you turn away from this show for a split second... Anyway, those two creep me out, so whatever.

Aw, to the flashback of Cyrus taking his relationship with James public!  I was grinning from ear to ear, and happy to see that President Fitz was, too.

Aaand another episode of the emotional rollercoaster we all know and love comes to a close.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A long time ago, we used to be friends... (thoughts on the Veronica Mars movie) (spoilers)

Kristen Bell stars as Veronica Mars, who, since we saw her last at the end of the Veronica Mars TV show, has transferred from Hearst College to Stanford, completed law school at Columbia, and now is interviewing at a big New York City law firm.  She also is dating Piz (Chris Lowell), not still, but again.  Early in the movie, she learns that her ex-boyfriend Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring) has been accused of murdering his pop star ex-girlfriend, who also was a high school classmate of Veronica and Logan's.  Though Veronica and Logan haven't spoken in nine years, he calls her for help, and she agrees to go back to Neptune.  Meanwhile, Wallace (Percy Daggs III) is trying to get Veronica to attend their ten-year class reunion, which she is less than thrilled about.

I wound up going to see this by myself, at the last minute.  This turned out to be for the best, since I was totally dorking out through the whole thing.  I was, like, clapping my hands in delight every time a familiar face showed up (Krysten Ritter as Gia Goodman!  Max Greenfield as Leo D'Amato, all adorable and pretending not to remember Veronica!).  There was also a moment where Logan was about to leave, and I full-on whispered, "Please stay," and then Veronica said, "Please stay," and they start making out, and I did the little "Yes!" thing with my arm.  OH!  And there was an A Few Good Men reference!:

Veronica: "You stand there in that f'itty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth show me some f'ing courtesy!"

Logan: "Way to keep it PG-13, Mars." HEE!

As is probably evident, much of the pleasure of this movie is seeing the whole gang back together, and for awhile, I was enjoying it in a simply, "Huh, this is like a better-than-average episode" kind of way.  HOWEVER, at the point where (SPOILER!!!) Veronica's dad (Enrico Colantoni) and Deputy Sacks (Brandon Hillock) got hit by a car, I was like, "Whoa, everything just got kicked up a notch!" it's heart, it's really a story about Veronica Mars learning to accept and embrace who she is rather than trying to escape it, which is pretty darn cool.  Watching her put her feet up on the desk at Mars Investigations at the end was just so badass.

Anyway...I'm not sure how it would be if you never watched the show, but I loved it a lot.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

thoughts on Scandal, 3/6/14

1)  I love how Olivia's dad basically shows up once an episode to be all badass.

2)  Jake (and I'm not going to get this quote exactly right): "If I'm going to be your fake boyfriend, I want to come home at the end of the day and drink a real beer and eat real food.  Wine is not beer, and popcorn is definitely not food."  Hee.  I mean, popcorn IS food, but it's not a meal.

3)  Have we ever been given a good reason why Fitz hates Mellie so much?  I know that they're basically in an arranged political marriage.  I know she's a bitch.  I know he resents that he's basically stuck with her.  But he talks to her with such CONTEMPT in his voice.  He's the one who cheats on her constantly, and he's basically a hot mess.  I may just be forgetting something, or it may just be that I'm starting to really like Mellie now, but he just usually seems more hostile towards her than the situation warrants.

4)  "When I was given the chance to cheat, I kept my knees together and I said no.  We.  Are not.  The same."  Go, Mellie.

5) And tonight's first "Oh my god.  Oh my god" moment came when Mellie rushed forward and kissed Fitz's running mate in the room with the portraits of all the First Ladies.  When did she become my favorite?

6) Fitz: "Do you have feelings for Jake?"

Olivia: "That's none of your business."

Fitz: "I know."

Me: "Well, it kind of is."  I mean, Fitz is married, and all, and he's not in a position to tell her what to do or anything, but...they kind of still have a thing, and he's certainly not hiding how he feels about her or how he feels about Mellie.  He's a douche bag, is what I'm saying, but he's generally pretty honest and forthright about his feelings.

8) Jake using his security clearance to spy on Olivia talking to Fitz about him in the Oval Office?! EW! Already creepy.  Has the potential to get super creepy.  Scott Foley is well-cast in this role, though.  I never quite buy it when Foley plays a straight-up nice guy...but a "nice guy" who is kind of shady?  Absolutely, I'll buy that.

It's no secret that this show is my favorite these days, but the thing that still makes me uncomfortable about it is that sometimes it goes a little *too* dark for what it actually is, which is a well-written, well-acted soap opera.  It should be a straight-up "naughty fun" show, but then they have to throw in stuff like Mellie getting raped by her father-in-law years ago and all of the torture business they sometimes do with Quinn and Huck.  Things like that are not only unpleasant to watch, they're not in keeping with the tone of the show.

Regardless, it was a great episode.  Very concerned that 1) I'm going to miss next week and 2) doesn't put new episodes online for eight days.  I might have to temporarily get Hulu Plus, or something.