Thursday, April 11, 2013

recent thoughts on Smash

Y'all know how I love shows that make me shout at the TV, right? Well, tonight (as I watched Tuesday's episode via the Internet) what I was shouting was, "DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS!"

So...I've started to like Jimmy a little bit more lately, but he's still basicallly a douche, right? I mean, could he have messed up the Karen situation more? First not pursuing her because of Derek...then pursuing her but keeping it a secret from Derek...then borrowing money from Derek but keeping it a secret from Karen. I know he really liked/likes Karen, and I know that Derek really had no right to be all "Get away from my woman" with him, but I just feel like him getting together with Karen under the circumstances-- being reliant on Derek for his job/owing Derek money/still being tangled up in drug shit-- probably wasn't the smartest move ever. Also, the secret came out in such a way that made both Derek and Karen feel stupid. He's just...yeah. A douche. And then Karen finds drugs in his jacket pocket and doesn't say anything? Run away, Karen! Run away!

I really don't care about anyone else on this show besides Derek and Karen. I hope Derek and Ivy don't sleep together (again), but I'm sure they probably will.

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