Thursday, April 18, 2013

thoughts on the most recent Smash

Well! I always like this show for its soapy goodness, but this episode was actually pretty brilliant-- it effectively tied the Bombshell and Hit List storylines together while advancing the major plotlines in an interesting way. Also...Derek has had his douchey moments in the recent past, but I love how he was RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING in this episode and Jimmy and Karen both wound up looking like arrogant douches for not realizing it. There both of them are, thinking that Derek is just messing with the show to fuck with them, and they both manage to piss off their best friends, and then the show gets a BRILLIANT review and Derek gets to be all, "I was right. And by the way, Karen, your boyfriend's on drugs, I just loaned him a ton of money, Jimmy's not even his real name, and oh, by the way, I'm sleeping with your mortal enemy." ALL OF WHICH IS TRUE! I mean, he even looks like he was right with his whole "Get away from my woman" business, even though at the time I thought he was overstepping his bounds. And Julia was right-- his not being in love with Karen anymore *did* make the show better, because if he still thought he had a shot with her, he never would have given those songs to Ana, which was clearly the right decision. Yeah. Derek redeemed himself this episode, and I am happy about that, because I wanted to like him even when he was being douchey.

Meanwhile, I still hate Tom. Really, the only thing Julia did wrong by helping Hit List was keeping it a secret. I also liked Ivy more than I have in awhile.

Good job, Show!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

recent thoughts on Smash

Y'all know how I love shows that make me shout at the TV, right? Well, tonight (as I watched Tuesday's episode via the Internet) what I was shouting was, "DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS!"

So...I've started to like Jimmy a little bit more lately, but he's still basicallly a douche, right? I mean, could he have messed up the Karen situation more? First not pursuing her because of Derek...then pursuing her but keeping it a secret from Derek...then borrowing money from Derek but keeping it a secret from Karen. I know he really liked/likes Karen, and I know that Derek really had no right to be all "Get away from my woman" with him, but I just feel like him getting together with Karen under the circumstances-- being reliant on Derek for his job/owing Derek money/still being tangled up in drug shit-- probably wasn't the smartest move ever. Also, the secret came out in such a way that made both Derek and Karen feel stupid. He's just...yeah. A douche. And then Karen finds drugs in his jacket pocket and doesn't say anything? Run away, Karen! Run away!

I really don't care about anyone else on this show besides Derek and Karen. I hope Derek and Ivy don't sleep together (again), but I'm sure they probably will.