Saturday, January 14, 2012

thoughts on "Take a Back Road" music video

I've never written about a music video before. I don't even watch many music videos. However, I saw this one this morning, for a song that I have enjoyed for several months now, and found I had a surprising lot to say about it.

I think Rodney Atkins is supposed to be an angel similar to the angels in the movie City of Angels in this video. I did not get this until the end, when he claps the cute cop on the shoulder and the cop, without acknowledging that he has been clapped on the shoulder, walks over to the cute single woman and strikes up a conversation. I believe this explains why no one seems to notice Atkins walking around with his guitar in places he doesn't belong, like in Interstate traffic. I believe this is also why they show him perched on a bridge and a water tower at different points in the video (I hope he was placed there using special effects, by the way, because my heart leapt into my throat every time they cut to him just casually sitting on a bridge, playing his guitar).

Anyway, despite this bit of curiousness, I did like this video. I like the point where the guy is sitting in traffic, looking frustrated, then a song he likes comes on the radio and he just sits back with a smile, like everything's okay now. That's how it is for me, too. In fact, just this morning, when I turned on the TV and a video I like immediately started up ("Beautiful Every Time" by Lee Brice), I thought to myself, "Today is going to be a good day." I also full-on went "AW!" when the cute cop went over to talk to the woman. However, I do think this is weird: no one appears to be able to see Atkins throughout the video, including at the end, when they are at the barbecue. However, at the barbecue, people *can* hear the song, as evidenced by the fact that many people are clapping in rhythm to it. How is this possible? They can hear the other two musicians they show at the party, but not him, the singer? Weird.

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