Wednesday, November 9, 2011

thoughts on How I Met Your Mother: "Disaster Averted"

So, I don't have strong feelings one way or another about whether Barney and Robin get back together. As I've mentioned before, I think they zipped through their relationship too quickly the first time around after so much build-up, so I could get behind them trying it again, though I'm not actively rooting for it to happen. That said, I gasped out loud when they kissed at the end of this episode. Good job, Show.

One thing I *have* been actively rooting for is for Barney to get to stop wearing that stupid duckie tie. So glad that's over with.

You know what's wrong with this season? Ted has no storyline. He usually is either in a relationship, or getting over a relationship, or going through something in his career. This season, nothing. And he seems to be the butt of a lot of jokes. This all needs to change.

That's all.

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