Wednesday, November 16, 2011

thoughts on How I Met Your Mother: "Tick Tick Tick"

Hmm. Hmm, I say. I felt bad for Barney, but I'm not sure how I feel about this for the long-term. I can see why Robin decided to stay with Kevin. In Barney's case, I understand wanting to be with someone you feel comfortable with and who is "just as messed up as [you are]," but I think ideally you want to be with someone who you're the best version of yourself with. Right? And I feel like Barney displaying feelings for Robin again kind of came out of nowhere; like, it was clear at the beginning of the season that *she* was into *him* again, but we didn't really get much of an impression that he was even really thinking of her like that anymore. I don't know. Whatever they decide to do with the whole Barney/Robin thing, I just hope they don't drag it out too long. And I hope they give Ted a storyline again sometime soon. Also, thanks to this episode I am now thinking about how I want nachos for dinner tomorrow night.

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