Monday, April 11, 2011

thoughts on How I Met Your Mother: "The Exploding Meatball Sub"

Okay, so I don't normally blog about How I Met Your Mother (even though I love it), but may I just say, that was the best episode I've seen in awhile. It's been really good this season, but very serious; this episode managed to contain serious moments, to move a couple of different storylines forward, and to make me laugh out loud really hard. Good TV, people. Good TV. Pretty sure this one was a classic.

More specifically, I liked that 1) they didn't try to act like the fact that Ted and Zoey argue all the time is normal or healthy and that 2) while neither Lily nor Marshall is perfect, when it comes down to it, they've basically got their heads on straight, and they both usually manage to bring themselves (and each other) back when they're about to go too far. They've come along way from Lily running off to San Francisco at the end of the first season. I also liked that, though things have been serious for Barney lately, tonight they gave him a storyline that was pretty much pure comedy. Also loved that during the flashforward at the end, he's the only one who hasn't aged or changed at all.

Yaay! Good show!

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