Wednesday, March 16, 2011

thoughts on Glee: "Original Song"

DEFINITELY the best competition episode since first season sectionals. They earned it this time. My problem with last year's regionals episode is that it was completely ridiculous that they came in dead last-- like, not only were they clearly the best of the three performances we saw, but since we know Sue gave them first place, the only way they could have come in dead last was if every other judge placed them last; we know, based on the judges' conversation, that it was unlikely that that happened. In other words: stupid. The results of the competitions should reflect how the competitions actually go, not just how the plot needs them to go. Along those same lines, while I like Kurt, Blaine, and the Warblers, there is no way they tied New Directions in this season's sectionals episode. Brittany and Mike brought it with the dancing. So-- yeah. This season's regionals episode was not only good because they won, but because they clearly earned that win and the show didn't try to convince us otherwise.

I also liked that Rachel got to have her moment. I know that she can be annoying and needs to learn to be a team player and all that, but she is also both the most talented member of the group and the one with the most heart, so it's nice that they acknowledge that once in awhile.

In other news: man, that Blaine kid has some charisma. I have thought that many times before, but I've just got to go ahead and say it. It's so much fun to watch him sing pretty much anything. And jeez, how hot was his and Kurt's kiss? That was, like, a real kiss. I don't know if I was expecting it to happen quite yet, but: awesome. Also, I think Kurt did his best singing to date in his duet with Blaine. Like I said before, New Directions definitely won, but the Warblers definitely put on a good show. I've gotta say, while you all know I've liked the last few episodes quite a bit, particularly "Blame it on the Alcohol," this one was wall-to-wall entertainment in a way that this show hasn't been in awhile. Sure, both Santana and Rachel are going through some painful stuff, but there was also a lot of sheer happiness this episode. You could practically feel the joy in the last song they performed.

Best lines this episode-- from Sue: "Well, well. If it isn't Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Fake Boobs." And from the lady who announced the competition results: "My husband is verbally abusive and I have been drinking since noon." Okay, so that doesn't look funny out of context. Trust me, it was in the actual episode.

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