Thursday, July 18, 2013

thoughts on The Heat

Noteworthy previews: The To Do List, starring Aubrey Plaza, Rachel Bilson, and Scott Porter (a.k.a. Jason Street!!!), among others, and Runner Runner, a movie in which Ben Affleck threatens to feed Justin Timberlake to some crocodiles. I'm not kidding: I can't wait.

Anyway, so the plot/formula of The Heat is fairly standard buddy cop/odd couple stuff, which isn't necessarily a bad thing; The Other Guys also followed that formula, and it was hilarious.  Here, Sandra Bullock plays the uptight, by-the-book one in the pair, while Melissa McCarthy swears a lot, roughs people up, and dresses and does her hair in such a way that Bullock's character twice mistakes biker dudes for her.  There are several laugh-out-loud funny moments; McCarthy gets most of the best one-liners, but Bullock is also good as a character so lonely that she sometimes "borrows" her neighbor's cat for company. There are also a couple of gross-out moments (one involving a stabbing and one involving an emergency tracheotomy, which Bullock's character thinks she knows how to do because she once saw one performed on TV), as is unfortunately (or unfortunately for me, anyway) often the case in comedies. Anyway, I enjoyed it. I would be up for seeing more of the two of them as a crimefighting duo.

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