Sunday, May 12, 2013

thoughts on Smash 5/11/13

So, I hear this show is getting cancelled. I'm very disappointed about that, though they have pulled some major soap opera bullshit the last couple of episodes. Ivy is PREGNANT? And of course it's Derek's. Sigh.

So I've figured out that Tom is the type of character who you hate even when he's technically in the right, and Derek is the type of character that you want to like even when he's being very, very bad. Yeah, Julia probably shouldn't be spending so much time helping out Hit List...but whenever Tom brings this up, he comes away looking like a major douche. And Derek completely and totally sexually harrassed that Daisy girl and then let her blackmail him...and yet when he said that "Oh, of course, you're making this about you," line to Karen, I was like, "Yeah! Shut up, Karen!"

Basically...pretty irritating developments this past episode. I'm still really enjoying it, though.

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