Wednesday, November 28, 2012

thoughts on Nashville 11/28/12

May I briefly just say (and I know, I've said a similar thing before) how much I enjoy Suburgatory? There's just nothing else like it on TV. And yes, that was some egregious product placement with that tablet thingie (Surface by Microsoft or whatever), and yes, I really, really want one.

So, this was the first episode in which I even kind of liked Juliette, although that thing she was wearing at the end was not a dress. It was a top. She needed to be wearing some pants or at least leggings with it. Don't you love how she and Rayna were wearing basically the same thing, only Rayna's was just enough longer to be sexy and classy rather than trashy and completely inappropriate? Anyway. Their song was great, and I was actually somewhat impressed with Hayden Panetierre's voice for once, and I am actually a little bit excited about the prospect of Rayna and Juliette going on tour together.

First gasp-worthy moment of the episode: Juliette's boyfriend being all, "I want to make love to you, but I respect women too much to do that outside of the confines of marriage." Not expecting that! But good for him. Second gasp-worthy moment: it was actually during the preview for next week, when Gunnar and Scarlett kissed. I guess I should have seen it coming, but it's still very exciting.

I love this show. Really, the whole ABC Wednesday night block of Modern Family, Suburgatory, and Nashville is great. Last fall I was kind of disappointed in TV in general; I didn't stick with any of the new shows I checked out and even gave up a couple of shows I'd been watching for awhile. I've been pleasantly surprised this fall. I think Nashville is the only completely new show I'm watching, but the aforementioned Wednesday night shows, plus Happy Endings, The Big Bang Theory,and The Good Wife are all really very good.

That's it!

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