Friday, February 25, 2011

thoughts on Glee: "Blame it on the Alcohol"

(Can you believe I didn't have time to watch this week's Glee until FRIDAY? Wow!)

Anyway, so that was hilarious. I laughed out loud more than once, specifically at Sue referring to Will as an "alcoholic teen vomit fetishist" and Santana calling him "Count Boozy von Drunk-a-Ton." Rachel telling them all that the drink she was handing them included about ten different kinds of alcohol, grape kool-aid, and crushed-up Oreos got both a laugh and a "WHAT?!" I'm also glad they weren't super heavy-handed with the anti-drinking message and just sort of left it at, "Yeah, drinking can be fun, but you're probably going to wind up doing some embarrassing stuff." I liked that even Mr. Schue was just like, "Yeah, how about you all just cool it until after nationals, okay? I'll do the same." Oh, and I liked all the stuff involving Blaine-- I thought the interaction between him and Rachel at the party was fun and that Kurt's conversation with his dad about having guys stay over was interesting. I also liked that Rachel wasn't all heartbroken about Blaine rejecting her.

All said, I think I liked it even better than last week's episode. Whoo!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

thoughts on Glee: "Comeback"

Gotta say, that was the best one in awhile. I wasn't thrilled with the post-Super Bowl episode, and while the Valentine's Day episode made me smile, I think this was definitely the most solid episode we've had since the break. Loved Mercedes and Rachel singing "Take Me or Leave Me" (though I still don't quite get when they became friends) and Sue singing and dancing with the kids in a plaid track suit. I even like that Sue's going to be a rival show choir director now. Oh, and I gasped out loud when Sam told Quinn that he and Santana are dating.

Good show, Glee!